About Laboratory


Ski competitions calculator

System to collect and handle all info about ski competitions. Add athletes, judges to store and create new competition by several click. Get members score in real-time and easy generate all documents for competition

Time management service

Sum up the year and start planning all targets on next one. Organize all activities into areas and monitor progress every day. Be effective, focused and spend less resources.


Store all you electronic books in one place. Organize your own library by authors, release dates, genres or custom shelves. Reading is great

Competences roadmap

Identify your own competencies, competencies of your team or company. Distinguish strengths and weaknesses skills and compose roadmap to improve. Stay on top of the industry developments. Develop the ideal abilities and competencies to accomplish targets.


Online games developed on frontend edge technologies. Alternative view of Kubik's Rubik game, extended tictac and matrix multiplications


You have idea - we create service.
Laboratory principals, goals and ideas

Start new business fast on not waste money and time


Documentation before development. Laboratory compose detail documentation, build diagrams, graphic, define all calculations, data flows, users stories on the "paper" to fully understand business idea before development. Ideas and documentation can change, but initial documentation must be.


Laboratory research new approaches and technologies in software development, use latest backend, frontend frameworks and best practice


Laboratory create compact and flexible web application with full research of business idea, well documentation and best practice in software development. All these things allow to painlessly and smooth refactoring, change project structure, technologies and frameworks and add new features. In future Prototypes can be extended and grow to real big production applications